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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Darryl A. Hill, MD
Do You Know Your Body Fat Percentage? The Answer May Save Your Life
Laurel Medical Associates, LLC

Do You Know Your Body Fat Percentage? The Answer May Save Your Life

As the New Year arrives we are all energized to improve our health again. Most of us want to lose weight and eat better. Doing so can help us lose weight and become healthier. Data, over the years has improved this consistently. Furthermore, this can help us prevent or improve conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and sleep apnea to name a few. As the obesity epidemic has occurred, all of these conditions have grown at epidemic proportions. Remarkably, this is happening not just in our communities and country, but throughout most of the world.

As we think about our health and weight, we should also realize that we need to think about what is happening to our body composition and body fat percentage.

As we age our body fat percentage increases as we become less lean. This is why you may look the same or weigh the same but your clothing just does not fit the same.

This occurs because of many reasons including our metabolism, diet and activity level all change. Body fat increases significantly and can have devastating consequences for our health. Studies have shown that most of the country is over weight and obese these days.

There are two common ways to monitor your body fat composition. These are a bioimpedance test and skin fold calipers. There are many benefits to monitoring your body composition and fat percentage as mentioned above and it may just save your life. As we optimize our composition this should be able to help us avoid medications and improve our health.

Find out your fat percentage and improve your health today.
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