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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
John V. DeMaio, DC, CCN
What Is Spinal Decompression?
DeMaio Family Chiropractic
. https://www.demaiochiro.com/

What Is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression therapy has been shown effective in treating degenerative discs, facet syndrome, sciatica, herniated discs and spinal stenosis.
Studies tell us that spinal discs are generally responsible for many of the aches and pains that people suffer from. Many times diffusing the discs with decompression and motion can enhance healing and restore the needed nutrients back into the discs. It should be noted that spinal decompression therapy will not cure musculoskeletal conditions. An individual who has spinal curves, a loss of muscle control and abnormal posture will not be cured with spinal decompression therapy.
Spinal decompression therapy works and relieves referral pain for people who have non-acute back and neck pain that is not the result of a disease or injury. Individuals who have chronic back pain, degenerative disc disease or herniated discs report that relief is found with spinal decompression therapy.
Spinal decompression therapy involves traction therapy. During therapy a patient will be positioned properly and go through phases of distraction and relaxation. Once the problem spinal disc is isolated, it can be placed under pressure, which makes a vacuum effect. The vacuum does two things. First, any portion of the disc that has herniated or protruded outside of where it should be can be repositioned and placed back where it should be. Second, the vacuum effect brings in a fresh blood supply, which can promote healing.
Individuals who should not have spinal decompression therapy are individuals who have severe osteoporosis, the severely obese, the severely nerve damaged or women who are pregnant. In addition, individuals who are elderly are not good candidates for spinal decompression therapy. However, each case is individual and every person who is interested in spinal decompression therapy will be evaluated to see if he or she would make a good candidate.
Before you go under the knife and opt for spinal surgery, you should seriously consider spinal decompression therapy. More than 70% of patients who have spinal decompression therapy report success. Surprisingly, these numbers are comparable to the results of spinal surgery. In fact, many people who have had spinal surgery in the past and who still have pain are finding that spinal decompression therapy can help them. Your doctor of chiropractic will work directly with your orthopedist, neurosurgeon and other physicians to assure your best outcome.

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