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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anne C. Crowley, MAc, LAc
The Wisdom of Chinese Medicine

The Wisdom of Chinese Medicine

The first thought I must dispel is that acupuncture is only for pain. Acupuncture is for life, for walking thorough life more easily. If this means eradicating physical pain then so be it. This can also mean walking more easily with mental pain, suffering or every day stress. I once heard a client say that the pain of depression was greater than any physical pain. While acupuncture has done wonders with situations of depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, it is also appropriate for everyday stresses of life. The stresses are there and, in the short run, they are not going away. So changing the way we hold these stresses can make all the difference in our wellness.
Acupuncture balances channels of energy in the body. When those channels are chosen specially for a patient, the patient often handles life with much more ease and grace. Pain can go away, be minimized or decreased in importance. It really depends on the individual.
Some people come to acupuncture to relieve pain only. We would classify that as healing on the physical level. Others are willing to go further and delve into healing on a mental and spiritual level. This is the deepest healing there is. It requires some courage and willingness to move into the unknown. Wherever you are on your healing journey, acupuncture can offer some profound openings. No matter what physical condition, mental pain, or everyday stress, the healing relationship of acupuncture can offer possibility. The possibility in and of itself can create a framework for deep healing. I invite you to join in the movement of nature and create new possibilities for health and wellness.
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