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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Patricia Bonnard, Integrated Coach
Good Health Means Balance

Good Health Means Balance

Good health comes from being balanced physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically.

Stress and Imbalance

Our bodies sometimes act like an overstressed garden hose that springs a leak. The source of the pressure is where the hose connects to the water spigot. The spigot keeps attempting to push water out, but there's nowhere for it to go. Eventually, a weak point gives way, and springs a leak. At first, maybe it seeps. Eventually, it bursts wide open. That's what happens to our bodies.

We apply pressure relentlessly. At first, our back, wrists, neck or head begin to react to the imbalance.We feel sore or stiff, but we keep going. The pressure mounts and eventually, we develop sciatica, carpal syndrome, migraines or some other obvious cry for help a signal to change our behavior, restore balance and give ourselves some relief.

If it's sciatica, we say it's from sitting too many hours. If it's carpal syndrome, we say it's from spending long hours at the computer. If it's migraines, we say it's our hormones, or it's noise or lack of sleep. The cause is imbalance that started way before we felt any physical symptoms.We keep up the imbalanced behavior or don't address it and eventually, we have a much bigger problem.

Most imbalances originate in our energy fields and work their way into denser energetic layers and eventually into our densest energy layer our body. Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) and other forms of energy work address imbalances in our energy field by clearing blockages, releasing excesses and eliminating deficits. As self healing modalities, they promote self reflection and keep us more in touch with ourselves how are we feeling, are we getting out of sorts or off balance? When we're more reflective, we are more perceptive. And, when we have more perception, we have more personal insights into how we can better maintain our balance and stay healthy.

The best practice is to maintain balance or to regain it just as we start to shift out of balance. It's not good practice to wait until we've developed some glaring condition. Energy work of all kinds can also help us regain that balance and instill an invaluable clarity in self reflection that can lead to positive adjustments in our day to day lives. Even small adjustments can contribute to greater and more stable balance, more resilient wellness and a strong sense of well being.
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