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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Penkala, Author, LMT
Your Heart’s Best Support This Year! The 9 Pillars To Prevent Heart Disease
Optimum Health For Life

Your Heart’s Best Support This Year! The 9 Pillars To Prevent Heart Disease

Your Heart’s Best Support This Year! The 9 Pillars To Prevent Heart Disease

The month of February offers one beautiful reminder to pay attention to, and care for our hearts whether through choices, or loving others, along with ourselves. One bottom line is clear ~ there are NO do-overs, so what we have now, and lifestyle decisions we make daily, will create the future of our health.

From my journey of one medical moment with my heart years ago, to the book I wrote, The Pause to Relax Ladies for Robust Heart Health, comes my 9 Pillars of Heart Disease Prevention, part of my Wise Heart Health Program:

Know Your Numbers – LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, weight and hs-CRP or high sensitivity C reactive protein, an inflammation marker. High amino acid, homocysteine also is an inflammatory indicator, along with possible B vitamin deficiency.

Assess Stress – burden of toxic relationships, anger, unforgiveness, grief, or chronic negativity. Pay close attention to work/home stress levels and have tools to reset and restore balance.

Movement As Medicine – lack of exercise doubles the chance of dying from heart disease. If inactive, work up slowly to 30 minutes, 3-5 days a week. Find an activity you love, and do it! 

Stop Smoking – the #1 preventable risk factor that is in your hands. 

Eat and Drink Heart Healthy – Eat more red – tomatoes, beets, watermelon, chili, cumin, radishes. Hydration is key, so drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water. Alcohol affects the heart, so moderation or abstaining is prudent for heart health. Monitor caffeine as it is a stimulant and add magnesium rich foods like avocado, almonds, and dark chocolate.

Slow Down To Relax – nourish quiet time of prayer, meditation, yoga. Embrace massage therapy to reduce cortisol levels, anxiety and blood pressure. Chiropractic, acupuncture, breathwork, Yin Yoga all help calm the central nervous system, lessening fight, flight, and freeze patterns.

Gather With Girlfriends – women socializing and joining in laughter, camaraderie and fun is a better indicator of heart disease than current standard tests. Nurturing friendships psychologically and biologically is the answer for your heart’s need for connection and longevity.

Regular Dental Cleaning – the connection between oral and heart health is based on solid research that disease can originate in the mouth beginning the process of inflammation throughout the body.

Use Nature To Nurture – walk on grass, or the beach by the water to get grounded, benefiting from negative electrons emanating from the earth. Aromatherapy is a centuries old healing modality from plants to comfort, calm or energize the entire body.
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