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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Nomi Shaool, MD
Personalized Healthcare
Executive MD

Personalized Healthcare

<strong>Personalized Healthcare</strong>

Can you call and talk to your doctor anytime? Can you get an appointment with your doctor the same day or next day? Do you have enough time and attention from your doctor?   

Concierge medicine, is a healthcare model that provides personalized and patient-centered approach to medicine. There are many  benefits of concierge medicine. It is a growing trend in health care and provides many positive features. 

Concierge medicine involves a direct relationship between patients and physicians, where patients pay a membership fee for enhanced access to personalized and convenient healthcare services. Many insurance policies now have a $5,000 deductible and a copay.

Personalized health care offers additional services to promote a healthy life style and longevity. Focusing on preventative care and the whole individual: body, mind and emotions.

Personalized and Immediate Care

One of the primary advantages of concierge medicine is the personalized attention patients receive. Doctors in concierge practices have fewer patients, allowing them to dedicate more time to each individual.

Patients often have direct access to their physicians, whether through phone calls, emails, or same-day appointments. This accessibility enhances the doctor-patient relationship and ensures that health concerns are addressed promptly.

Extended Appointment Times

In traditional healthcare settings, appointments are often brief, and patients may feel rushed. Concierge medicine allows for extended appointment times. This allows the physician the time needed for medical history, lifestyle factors, and preventive care strategies.

Preventive Care and Wellness Focus

Concierge practices emphasize preventive care and wellness. Treating overall health of their patients, creating a personalized wellness plan, including lifestyle modifications, nutrition guidance, and fitness recommendations.

This include: medical plans, lab testing, referrals, specialized diagnostic testing.

Timely and Convenient Services

Waiting times for appointments and specialist referrals are shorter in concierge medicine. This can be crucial in addressing health issues promptly and efficiently.

Many concierge practices offer conveniences such as same-day appointments, virtual consultations, and coordination of specialist visits, streamlining the healthcare experience.

Holistic Approach To Your Health

Concierge physicians often take a holistic approach to healthcare, considering not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. This comprehensive perspective allows for a more thorough understanding of the factors influencing a patient’s health.  

Focus On Patient Satisfaction and Trust

The reduced patient load in concierge practices provides the opportunity for stronger doctor-patient relationships. Physicians get  to know their patients and families, which can lead to better communication, trust, and collaboration in managing health.

Customized Treatment Plans

Tailored treatment plans, customize healthcare strategies based on an individual’s unique needs, preferences, and health goals, leading to more effective and patient-centric outcomes.
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