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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jonelle Grant Anamelechi, DDS
Understanding Thumb Sucking and Its Impact on Pediatric Dental Health
Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
. http://www.mychildrenschoicedental.com

Understanding Thumb Sucking and Its Impact on Pediatric Dental Health

<strong>Understanding Thumb Sucking and Its Impact on Pediatric Dental Health</strong>

Thumb and finger sucking habits are common among children, but when they persist, they can lead to orofacial myofunctional disorders that impact dental and overall oral health. Recognizing the need for comprehensive care, Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry offers a specialized Habitbreaker Clinic through their Thrive program. Let’s explore the reasons behind thumb and finger sucking habits, their effects on growth and development, and how the Habitbreaker Clinic can help children quit.

The Reasons Behind Thumb
and Finger Sucking Habits

Thumb and finger sucking is a natural and normal phenomenon that often begins in the womb and continues after birth. It serves as practice for breastfeeding and helps in tongue and oral musculature development. However, some children have difficulty outgrowing this habit due to various factors. Environmental triggers, such as certain objects, rituals, or places, can contribute to the habit. Additionally, issues like low oral tone, breathing and sleep difficulties, and tooth and jaw development problems can make it harder for children to quit thumb and finger sucking.

The Effects of Prolonged
Thumb Sucking on Growth
and Development

Prolonged thumb sucking can lead to orofacial myofunctional disorders, which can have detrimental effects on a child’s dental and overall oral health. The habit can cause increased overbite and overjet, skeletal deformities, orthodontic problems, oral function issues, and speech articulation difficulties. It can also interfere with proper tongue resting and swallowing patterns, potentially leading to airway complications and sleep disorders. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to prevent further complications and ensure optimal oral health for children.

Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry’s Habitbreaker Clinic

Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry understands the challenges parents face in helping their children quit thumb and finger sucking habits. That’s why they offer a specialized Habitbreaker Clinic through their Thrive program. The clinic provides individualized care and utilizes myofunctional therapy, a non-surgical treatment, to correct oral muscle function and promote optimal development. Laser frenectomy is also available if lip-ties or tongue-ties contribute to the habit. With a team approach and comprehensive treatment, the Habitbreaker Clinic aims to address the underlying reasons behind thumb sucking, finger sucking, and pacifier habits, helping children quit and achieve long-term oral health.

Thumb and finger sucking habits can have a significant impact on a child’s dental and overall oral health. Recognizing the need for early intervention, Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry offers the Habitbreaker Clinic through their Thrive program. By understanding the reasons behind these habits and providing specialized care, parents can help their children overcome thumb and finger sucking, ensuring a healthy smile for the future.

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