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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS, LVIF
Snoring Linked To Heart AttackDivorce
Sherry Kazerooni, DDS

Snoring Linked To Heart AttackDivorce

Who doesn't feel better after a good night's rest? These days, snoring isn't simply noisy, it's considered a serious medical condition that requires immediate treatment. Why? Studies link snoring to major health concerns such as heart attacks and strokes as well as divorce. Because the problem is so widespread, (upwards of 30% of the population suffer from it, not to mention their innocent spouses), and the linkages so grave, snoring is getting more attention by all facets of the medical community today.

As a result, snoring solutions have made tremendous headway. Innovations focused on opening up the air passageways that close intermittently when one snores, range from taping the nose to surgery. The net result? The vibratory sound of snoring disappears and more oxygen is delivered to the brain and body so the sleeper gets a therapeutic really good night's rest and so do the individuals within earshot.

Because the chances of snoring increase as we age and gain weight, one innovation that warrants particularly close attention is the mandibular advancement splint (MAS), a dental appliance that advances the lower jaw slightly, thereby pulling the tongue forward, permitting a free flow of oxygen to the heart, brain, and entire body.

A freer flow of oxygen may help alleviate some of the aches and pains associated with aging or excessive weight gain.

The MAS appliance does not carry the risks or costs of surgery or the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine often used as the gold standard therapeutic snoring solution.

CPAP requires the patient to wear a mask and sleep on their back. It is a very good device if used regularly and properly, but many patients who are prescribed the CPAP refuse to use it.

The MAS appliance could be welcome news for spouses of snorers. One patient's husband reported the CPAP sounds like “a roaring freight train next to your head.”

So, for those not complying with their CPAP, the MAS dental appliance is a convenient, economical last resort for patients and their loved ones. Patients with better oxygen flow to their brain and body could have the best nights sleep ever.

The MAS is made of a moldable plastic similar to an athletic mouth-guard and is worn at night. It is custom-fitted by a dentist to promote optimal airflow and comfort.

Patients include members of the medical community, including doctors, who enjoy wonderful results without surgery or CPAP and consider it essential for overall general health.

For those that have suffered from snoring, one should consult a qualified medical partnership between their general doctor and a qualified dental provider with special training in jaw alignment and snoring cessation.
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