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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
E. Taylor Meiser, DDS, PA
Do You Have the Silent Dental Disease?
Lighthouse Family Dentistry

Do You Have the Silent Dental Disease?

Do You Have the Silent Dental Disease?

A large number of the people who call the dentist just want their teeth cleaned. Most people don’t understand that, while clean teeth are usually healthy teeth, what goes on below the gumline is really as much, if not more important as what you can see.

Gum disease is similar to having termites in the foundation of your home. Termites eat away at wood just as bacteria eats away at your bone.

Gum disease, formerly known as pyorrhea in the advanced stages, is found in some form in over 75% of the U.S. population. Chances are, you have some areas of gum disease in your mouth. How can you know? See your family dentist.

Gum disease comes in many forms and many stages, from simple reversible gingivitis (bleeding gums) to advanced generalized gum disease (pyorrhea with pus, bone loss and loose teeth). A key fact to note about gum disease is that it
is a silent disease that progressively gets worse. It starts off in the mild form and just gets worse and worse unless it is recognized and treated.

Regular dental checkups and cleanings can prevent or arrest gum disease. Early gum disease can be effectively treated with a gum disease program. If more seriously diseased areas are discovered, then referral to a periodontist (gum specialist) will be recommended.

Gum disease should never be ignored. It will not go away on its own. It will only get worse. Gum disease should not be taken lightly either. Recent studies have strongly linked gum disease with systemic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and pregnancy problems.

Gum disease is a significant health concern, so make certain your gums are measured and evaluated with proper appropriate x-rays.

So when you come to see your family dentist for just a cleaning and the dentist and/or hygenist shows you have bleeding gums and bone loss listen to what your silent disease is telling them!

Get the prescription cleaning that will treat your silent disease and give you not only a healthy mouth, but also a healthier entire body.
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