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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Dyanne Street
Scientifically Proven Protection From COVID Virus
. https://healthyairandsurfaces.com/

Scientifically Proven Protection From COVID Virus

As seen on ABC News, CNBC, Fox News, CNN, and in the Washington Post, this NASA-technology protects lives by pro-actively killing viruses, bacteria, germs (including the CoV-2 SARS virus which causes the covid disease) both in the air and on surfaces within three minutes. It covers up to 3,000 square feet by pro-actively changing the molecular structure of the air. No other technology has been scientifically documented and proven to do this. This technology has been inducted into the Space Foundation Hall of Fame. 

ActivePure’s Air & Surface Pro allows employees, patients, customers, teachers, students, and seniors to be protected and to feel safe again.

Testing of the ActivePure Technology was conducted by one of the world’s top biosafety testing facilities, the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), which primarily tests for the U.S. military and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

“These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology in a laboratory setting,” said Dr. William S. Lawrence, PhD, director of the Aerobiology Services Division at UTMB’s Galveston National Laboratory.

ActivePure Technologies foresees widespread use of the technology to reduce the amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus present in the air and on hard surfaces in commercial, residential, 

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