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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Susan Saucier, LMT
Manual Lymphatic Drainage How Can It Benefit You?
A Woman's Touch Therapeutic Massage
. http://www.awomanstouchmassage.com/

Manual Lymphatic Drainage How Can It Benefit You?

Manual lymphatic drainage is a very gentle form of massage therapy used to drain excess fluid from the body. The lymphatic system defends the body from disease by cleansing, detoxifying and nourishing the body's tissues. It can be stimulated by using light circular and pumping motions, thus draining fluid to the main lymph nodes in the neck, around the armpits and groin.

The goal is to move lymph fluid out of congested areas and back into the general circulation in the center of the body, where this excess fluid can be processed by the kidneys and eliminated.

The benefits of lymphatic drainage are numerous and quite varied. It is commonly used as a detoxification treatment, as the lymph fluid carries away cellular waste, bacteria and viruses, toxins and excess water.

For example, one client wanted to rid her body of nicotine as part of a smoking cessation program, while another needed to flush out all traces of a medication that created unwanted side effects. Many find relief from headaches, allergies, sinus problems and chronic colds because the MLD process decreases inflammation, relieves swelling, and gives a boost to the overall functioning of the immune system.

People also report a deep feeling of relaxation. Manual lymphatic drainage is often used for chronic venous insufficiency and swelling of the legs (edema), as well as those suffering from chronic pain or chronic fatigue. Injuries such as sprains, fractures and torn ligaments can also benefit from this holistic treatment, as excess fluid is drained away.

Finally, people with secondary lymphedema, which is the swelling that results from a surgery (anything from cosmetic procedures to a mastectomy), can find relief. MLD helps the body help itself by draining puffy, swollen tissues and aiding in the body's' natural waste removal and detoxification process.

Manual lymphatic drainage sessions can run a full hour or as little as 15 minutes, and can often be incorporated into a regular massage. It is recommended to drink plenty of water afterwards to continue flushing the body. How many sessions are needed to experience the full benefits of this gentle yet effective therapy depends upon each individuals' need.

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