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Dr. Atul Kaushal, Medical Director
CBD for Pain Relief: A Comprehensive Guide
. https://amourcbd.com/

CBD for Pain Relief: A Comprehensive Guide

Lately, Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a popular choice for people looking for natural pain relief. CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant, and it doesn’t produce the “high” associated with its cousin, THC. With so many CBD products on the market, it’s important to know what to look for and how to use them effectively. This guide will help you understand the key ingredients to check for, how to use CBD for pain, and the differences between various products like creams, tinctures, roll-ons, and gummies.

Ingredients to Look for When Purchasing CBD

When selecting a CBD product for pain relief, you want to make sure you’re getting a high-quality product. Here are the main things to look out for:

  1. CBD Concentration: Check the label for the amount of CBD per serving or per container. Higher concentrations may work better for severe pain but can also be more expensive. Some products use combinations of CBD and other ingredients to improve the effect.
  2. Full-Spectrum vs. Isolate: Full-spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids (including THC), terpenes, and flavonoids found in the hemp plant, which can enhance the therapeutic effects through the entourage effect. CBD isolate, on the other hand, is pure CBD without other compounds. Broad-spectrum products contain multiple cannabinoids but no THC.
  3. Carrier Oils: CBD oils often contain carrier oils like MCT oil, hemp seed oil, or coconut oil, which can enhance absorption and add nutritional benefits.
  4. Additional Ingredients: Some products include ingredients that enhance the effect of CBD. Organic products often include other natural compounds including plant extracts and botanicals.
  5. Third-Party Testing: Good brands test products in a third-party lab to verify the their purity and potency. These tests check for harmful contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and molds.  Testing can also confirm that products claiming to be THC-free, are actually THC-free.

How to Use CBD to Manage Pain

There are different ways to use CBD depending on the type of pain you have and what you prefer. Here are some common methods:

  1. Oral Consumption: Taking CBD orally is a popular method. CBD oil can be taken directly or mixed into food and drinks. CBD capsules and gummies are a convenient and discreet way to consume CBD. Oral consumption provides systemic relief, which can be beneficial for chronic pain conditions.
  2. Sublingual Administration: Placing CBD oil or tincture under the tongue allows faster absorption into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. This method can provide quicker relief compared to oral consumption.
  3. Topical Application: CBD creams, balms, and roll-ons are designed for direct application to your skin. They target specific areas, such as muscle soreness or joint pain, providing localized relief.
  4. Inhalation: CBD can also be inhaled by vaping or smoking CBD-rich hemp flowers. This method offers rapid absorption and quick pain relief but may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with respiratory issues.

How Different Types of Products Work

Different CBD products work in various ways to relieve pain. Here is a breakdown:

  1. CBD Creams and Topicals: These are applied directly to your skin and target specific areas of pain, such as sore muscles, arthritis, or injuries. The CBD interacts with receptors in the skin to provide localized relief without entering the bloodstream.
  2. CBD Tinctures: Tinctures can be taken under the tongue or added (infused) to food and beverages. They offer a versatile and effective way to manage pain with systemic relief. The onset of effects is relatively quick, making tinctures suitable for acute pain management.
  3. CBD Roll-Ons: These work like creams but come in a convenient applicator that makes it easy to target specific areas. They are often formulated with additional ingredients like menthol or essential oils to enhance the pain-relieving effects.
  4. CBD Gummies: Gummies are a tasty and convenient way to take CBD. They come in pre-measured doses, making it simple to know how much you are taking. Gummies are best for general, long-lasting relief. However, they take longer to work because the CBD needs to pass through the digestive system.

Personal Preference and Safety

The variety of products and formulations means you might have to try products from different brands, or even different products from the same brand to find what works for you.

  1. A Note About Safety: It is important to get your CBD from a reputable and trusted source.  In the United States, the authority that verifies the safety of consumables is the FDA. 
  2. FDA Registration: FDA Registration is a complicated and expensive process.  AmourCBD is a company started by clinicians who are focused on safety. They make the only CBD products in the country that have earned the seal of the FDA.  AmourCBD products were designed to be effective, easy to use, and discreet.
  3. Clinical Precision: AmourCBD Advanced Pain-Relieving Cream includes a small amount of lidocaine, which immediately starts acting on the pain at the site of application and also enhances the effect of CBD by working together at the cellular level.
  4. Personal Preference: Some people like the smell of pain creams, and some do not. AmourCBD Roll-On has a light botanical aroma and is made from organic ingredients.  Amour’s pain cream was designed to be convenient and discreet. No odor, non-greasy, and 0% THC. Both work well for localized pain & soreness.


CBD offers a promising natural alternative for pain relief, with a variety of products available to fit different needs and preferences. When buying CBD, look for high-quality ingredients, check for third-party lab testing, and confirm the concentration of CBD. Understanding how to use CBD and the differences between products like tinctures, topicals, and gummies can help you choose the best option for your pain. Always talk to a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have health conditions or take other medications. Whether you need quick relief or long-term management, there’s a CBD product that can help improve your quality of life.

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