Active Care Chiropractic & Acupuncture
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Fairfax, VA 22030
703-539-8822 / 703-539-8862
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Plantar Fasciitis
It seems as if chiropractic and acupuncture practices are getting more patients who are experiencing foot symptoms. Patients during this increase typically come in for foot pain, plantar fasciitis, neuroma, bunion, or gout.
We will cover plantar fasciitis because it is most popular among all foot diseases and symptoms.
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the thick band of tissue at the bottom of your foot that runs from your heel to your toes. This thick band of tissue is fascia and we call this inflammation as ‘fasciitis’. Your fascia supports the muscles and arch of your foot. When it is overly stretched, it is prone to damage or tiny tears in its surface. This can bring on pain and inflammation.
It was previously believed that heel spurs that grew in the excessively bony part of the heel was one of the causes of plantar fasciitis, however, it is now believed that heel spurs are the result of plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis causes pain in your heel and it is usually worse when you take your first steps in the morning or after you’ve been sitting for a long time. It tends to feel better with activity but worsens again after you spend a long time on your feet.
Plantar fasciitis is more common to females over 40 years old with obesity. There are some risk factors that may bring it to you including:
- Female and 40 to 60 years old
- Obese
- Flat feet or high arches
- Tight Achilles tendons, or “heel cords”
- An unusual walk or foot position
- Wearing high-heeled shoes
- Spend many hours standing each day
- Wearing worn-out shoes with thin soles
However, there are many male patients who are also experiencing this, but they are usually obese. According to my personal practice experiences, I can say that obesity and foot condition are much more important factors than sex.
It is okay to try to relieve your pain by yourself. There are some recommendations that you can use at home including foot stretches, exercises, using ice packs, wearing splints or braces or using supportive shoes/inserts.
If your symptoms have not improved even though you’ve tried everything mentioned above more than two months then a doctor visit is advised to get correct diagnosis and further evaluation. They will help you with physical therapy, gait correction and training, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, laser or other treatment.
As a reminder, plantar fasciitis does not go away easily and it requires long-term care. So please be patient and keep doing what you started for at least two months. Even a specialist’s care method takes 2-6 months or more. Typically, you should start to feel improvement within two months and complete pain relief within ten months.
If you are still feeling symptoms or looking for immediate relief your foot doctor or specialist may offer treatment options like shots of cortisone, a type of steroid, to ease inflammation.
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