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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Hema Sundaram MD
Five Cost-Effective Ways To Look and Feel Your Best At Any Age
Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Center
. http://doctorhema.com

Five Cost-Effective Ways To Look and Feel Your Best At Any Age

Fewer men and women are now choosing to have invasive plastic surgery such as face lifts and liposuction. They are opting instead for new non-surgical procedures that give more natural-looking results with little or no down time and no scarring. They are less expensive than invasive surgery, do not require you to take time off work, and the results often last longer. They give you a competitive edge professionally or personally by allowing you to project outwardly the youthful vitality and energy that you strive for internally. Here are five strategies to look and feel your best at any age.
Select a True Expert
Look for a surgeon who has received extensive training and certification to specialize in cosmetic surgery and is board certified in one of the core four specialties of dermatology, plastic surgery, oculoplastic surgery or facial plastic surgery. The most expert cosmetic surgeons are principal investigators for cutting-edge research and steer medical education programs. Their offices are national training centers for the latest technologies and they are often quoted in the media.
Look For the Latest

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