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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Virtual Physical
What Is a Virtual Physical?
Virtual Physical

What Is a Virtual Physical?

A Virtual Physical is a non-invasive procedure that uses precise pictures of the body and organs to screen for cancer, heart disease, and a host of conditions that may not present symptoms until it's too late. It is an excellent complement to the traditional care given by your physician. A traditional physical will normally

include a blood draw, perhaps an EKG, and a physical examination, and is an important component to sound preventative care.

A Virtual Physical goes deeper, identifying microscopic amounts of

arterial plaque, small tumors, cysts and other minor abnormalities that may

benefit from early treatment. The

results of a Virtual Physical can assist your physician in assessing your health and

implementing the best care.

As the name implies, Virtual Physical is a comprehensive diagnostic

screening procedure that uses state-of-the-art technology to take a global look at your body and identify a variety of conditions at early stages where intervention can be most helpful.

A Virtual Physical may also be viewed as an integral component of a holistic, behavioral medicine

program, where the body, and one's diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits are viewed as a whole, determining where problems may exist and where changes may be required.

The Virtual Physical utilizes Multi-Slice CT technology and Proprietary software which rapidly scans the torso, resulting in “stop action” 3-D views of your beating heart, breathing lungs and other “in motion” organs. The sytem can capture a remarkably clear

image every second. It also uses only about one-third of the radiation dose required by some other CT systems.

The Virtual Physical is recommended for men and women over 30 years of age with a family

history of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, unexplained chest pain, smoking or a sedentary lifestyle.

While the annual physical is still important, the Virtual Physical's early detection capability can uncover

asymptomatic and often life-threatening diseases generally not detectable by physical exam or standard screening tests. This allows the management of disease in early stages, where medical therapy and treatment options are typically less costly, less invasive and more effective.

You can literally take a

3-Dimensional tour through every

organ in your body. Virtual Physical's

comprehensive scan of your body is far more detailed and precise than an X-ray. It covers the heart and arteries identifying near microscopic amounts of plaque; the lungs at the air cell level showing the earliest stages of smoke damage, emphysema, or lung cancer; the spine, evaluating for osteoporosis, disc disease and other back problems; internal organs for detection of tumors, stones and cysts; aneurysms in the

abdominal and chest cavities; thyroid and parathyroid disease; joint disease; uterine, ovarian and prostate disease.

The Radiologist will review your results with you, noting any problems that may require further evaluation. You'll leave with the radiologist's

written analysis, a CD-ROM of your

entire Virtual Physical and selected photographs of your scan. At your

request, the Virtual Physical data can be forwarded to your personal physician or a specialist for additional evaluation and treatment.

The Virtual Colonoscopy is a new method of imaging the entire colon that is simpler, faster, and less invasive than conventional colonoscopy. It requires no sedation and can simply be incorporated in the overall Virtual Physical. The technology provides higher resolution with faster scanning. This results in a more detailed 3-dimensional viewing capability adding to the diagnostic value of your examination.

Many of the patients getting

Virtual Physicals will leave with the peace of mind of knowing that they are

currently in good health, and have a baseline against which to measure future results. A percentage of patients however, will have a health concern brought to light by the Virtual Physical exam. Fortunately, the vast majority of these concerns are detected at a time when corrective action can avoid a more

serious consequence.
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