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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
John V. DeMaio, DC, CCN
Lifestyle Decisions and Long-Term Neglect
DeMaio Family Chiropractic

Lifestyle Decisions and Long-Term Neglect

Lifestyle decisions and long-term neglect can produce obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and other health problems. But since symptoms can take years to appear, these issues are easy to overlook.

If pressing a button instead of taking the stairs immediately resulted in a visible weight gain, you'd head for the stairs. If expressing anger, envy or grief instantly created a stomach ulcer, you'd watch what you say.

But it can take years for the earliest symptoms to show up and by then, the problem has advanced. “It won't happen to me,” we lie to ourselves. Yet, the damage is done.

That's why our most health conscious practice members see us on a regular basis. Can chiropractic care reverse years of neglect? No. But periodic check-ups may catch problems before they become serious.

Has it been awhile since your last visit?
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