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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Mindy Sowell, Owner
Cancer In Older Adults
Assisted Living at Hawkins Gate

Cancer In Older Adults

Older people today are generally both mentally and physically fitter than previous generations, and many retired people enjoy a new lease of life. Being diagnosed with cancer at this time can therefore seem very unfair, as it could affect many aspects of your life and may interfere with your quality of life. However, it is important to remember that many people are cured and others manage to maintain a virtually normal life while living with their cancer.

Older people sometimes find that they are able to cope better with the diagnosis than younger people, as they have had more experience of coping with difficult times. This ability to cope, coupled with the better health people have these days, is very important in improving the quality of life for people who are cured of cancer, and in extending the length of life for people who cannot be cured.

Symptoms of Cancer

As you get older, you're more likely to suffer from a variety of aches and pains, as well as other symptoms. It's easy to assume that new symptoms are just part of the ageing process and ignore them. However, you should discuss any new symptoms with your doctor, so that they can decide if they are a normal part of getting older, or whether you need to haveteststo find out what is wrong.

In particular, if you notice any of the following symptoms let your doctor know, as they could be a sign of cancer

Hoarseness of the voice that lasts more than three weeks.

A cough that lasts more than three weeks, or coughing up blood.

A lump that doesn't go away.

A sore that won't heal.

A change in the size, shape or color of a mole, or any change in the skin.

Blood in the bowel movements or urine.

Bleeding from the vagina.

Indigestion that doesn't go away or keeps coming back.

Unexplained weight loss.

A change in bowel habit that lasts longer than six weeks.

It's important to remember that all these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than cancer.

Some people with cancer are reluctant or embarrassed to have tests carried out at an early stage, and don't go to their doctor until the cancer has grown or already spread. However, if cancer is found early,treatmentis more likely to be successful.

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