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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Y.C. Chan, OMD, Dipl Ac
Acupuncture Chemotherapy Side Effects
Acupuncture Clinic of Maryland

Acupuncture Chemotherapy Side Effects

In December 1971, former President Richard Nixon signed a bill into law called the National Cancer Act. This act increased the federal efforts to fight cancer. The national funding created more than 32,500 researcher jobs in 3,000 universities, hospitals and medical facilities.

The reports gathered from this research have led to the early detection and treatment information available today, which was done in order to drop the death rates from cancer in both men and women. However, statistics show that 215,000 people died from cancer in 1971, when the cancer act was signed, and approximately 500,000 Americans are currently still dying from cancer every year.

Many anti-cancer treatments can destroy fast-growing cancer cells, but some normal and healthy cells also grow quickly, so the cancer treatment can also affect those cells and cause various side effects.

Most cancer patients experience side effects from their treatments. Chemotherapy side effects usually include anemia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, constipation, memory changes, diarrhea, pain and more.

According to the National Cancer Institute, at least seven human studies have been performed, which collected data on acupuncture for treatment of chemotherapy side effects in cancer patients, and the results found that acupuncture enhanced or regulated immune function of our body.

Many individual medical practitioners use acupuncture treatment for cancer patients, not intending to treat the cancer, but to reduce the symptoms from cancer treatments. The acupuncture principle focuses on the flow energy in the body, and helps the patient relax in order to have better quality of life.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130