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Mark Domanski, MD
Why Staying Local Is the Best Choice For Plastic Surgery
Bluemont Plastic Surgery
. https://www.bluemontmd.com/

Why Staying Local Is the Best Choice For Plastic Surgery

<strong>Why Staying Local Is the Best Choice For Plastic Surgery</strong>

With pandemic travel restrictions now lifted, many patients have been tempted to jet off to destinations like Miami, Turkey, or the Dominican Republic for plastic surgery. While the allure of lower surgical costs may be enticing, when factoring in expenses such as airfare, accommodation, and other incidental costs, the total expenses often make staying local a comparable option. Here are the top reasons why staying local for plastic surgery (or any medical care) is the smart choice.

Abundance Of Local Talent:
In places like the Washington, DC area, where Inova Fairfax Hospital boasts approximately 70 plastic surgeons on staff, the competition among surgeons is fierce. This competition drives excellence, ensuring that those who have thrived in this market for over five years are likely to be highly skilled and reputable.

Personalized Consultations: Opting for a local surgeon allows for face-to-face consultations, providing the opportunity to discuss the proposed procedure thoroughly. Unlike the whirlwind experience often seen with travel surgeries, local consultations afford patients the chance to make informed decisions without feeling rushed or pressured.

Avoidance Of Post-Surgery Travel Risks: Traveling shortly after surgery can pose significant challenges and risks, including the physical strain of maneuvering luggage and navigating airports. Moreover, prolonged immobility during air travel increases the risk of DVT or blood clots. Being far from home also raises concerns about managing potential emergencies mid-flight.

Access To Quality Follow-Up Care: Perhaps the most crucial advantage of staying local is the accessibility of post-operative care. Patients find their recovery journeys far less stressful when they can easily visit their surgeon’s office for check-ups or to address any concerns. Being nearby also facilitates prompt attention to any unexpected issues that may arise during recovery.

Convenience For Touch-Ups and Additional Procedures: Local surgeons often provide added value by offering complementary procedures or touch-ups as part of the surgical package. Whether it’s laser treatments or incision line touch-ups, having these options readily available can enhance the overall surgical experience and outcome.

While the allure of exotic locales may seem appealing, when it comes to plastic surgery, it’s the skill and expertise of the surgeon that truly matters. Choosing a local surgeon ensures not only convenience and accessibility but also peace of mind throughout the surgical journey.

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