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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Stephanie L. Israel, LMT
Renewal Of Energy and Balance In Life
Body Integration Wellness Center

Renewal Of Energy and Balance In Life

I discussed in a previous article Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). A third system in CAM I'd like to talk about here is called energy therapy.

Energy surges within and all around us. We are made up of conduits of energy. There is both bio-field and electromagnetic energy fields. I will discuss biofield therapy, which is a specialty modality that is intended to affect the energy fields that surround and penetrate the natural human body. Debatable scientifically, however, studies have shown through research at the University of Harvard and Duke proven benefits and success in patients well-being credited to this modality.

As a certified therapist who is well trained and sensitive to a client's needs, manipulating such energy fields is effective with the power of touch. This is done by altering the flow or stagnation of energy so as to rebalance and energize one's energy system.

Based on an ancient old healing practice known as “laying on of hands,” a more contemporary name for energy work is “Therapeutic Touch,” also known as Reiki, a Japanese form meaning “universal life force.” The therapist performs this modality by accessing the client's body energy field in its current state and by engaging in the energy work so as to balance the client's energy field. This is done by gently placing hands inches above the client's body initially with open palms to access areas/organs that may be stagnating and then directly but gently on the client to unblock any stagnation to cause a release of energy. The movements directly on the client's body are not actual massage strokes, but are very still.

Many hospices caring for terminally ill patients are treated with energy work as a means of soothing and comforting the patient who would otherwise be sensitive to manipulative body-based therapies. In replacement of conventional medicine for instance, terminally ill patients would receive gentle touch of energy work in place of morphine medicine for pain and relaxation.

This practice can be used for clients who are dealing with or have dealt with recent or long-harboring traumatic events in their lives to bring about peace and comfort to them as they relax their minds and emotions come to a still. The benefits are both physical and psychological.

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