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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
LaSondra Gray, CMLSO, CLA, PTMA, MBA
IPL Photofacial How Medical Science Can Make You Look Younger, Better
Reflections Image Center
. http://reflectionsimagecenter.com/

IPL Photofacial How Medical Science Can Make You Look Younger, Better

Your face is one of the first things that people notice about you, and the most obvious indicator of age, health, and overall wellness. Knowing that, don't you want to put your 'best face forward' each and every day?

Fortunately turning back the effects of time or correcting an uneven skin tone or texture has never been easier thanks to breakthroughs in cosmetic technology. In particular, innovations in laser technology which is already used in science and medicine have been applied to the science of skin.

One of the most popular laser treatments is an Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Photofacial. It 'resurfaces' your skin, correcting a variety of unpleasant facial problems such as rosacea, redness, large pores, sun damage and hyperpigmentation, along with general signs of aging.

Not only are laser treatments used by some of Hollywood's best known faces, but at just 30 minutes per session and with no down time it's a 'miracle' of modern aesthetic medicine. Many of our patients have seen fabulous results with a series of IPL Photofacials; here are some of the most common questions to see if it's also right for you

What is an IPL Photofacial?

An IPL Photofacial uses light technology to encourage the skin to produce new collagen and connective tissue. This in turn 'resurfaces' the upper skin layer reversing the effects of aging by removing wrinkles and making your skin appear smoother, healthier.

What are the Benefits of an IPL Photofacial?

An IPL Photofacial targets skin lesions, symptoms of rosacea, and signs of photoaging due to exposure to harmful UV radiation. Overall, you are left with a more youthful, radiant glow.

And unlike other skin treatments out there, an IPL Photofacial can be customized for both your individual needs and to particular areas of your face.

Does it Hurt or have any Negative Side Effects?

IPL Photofacials are nonablative (non-harming) treatments, so risk is greatly reduced. Some people describe the treatment like a rubber band snap against the skin mildly unpleasant but not long-lasting. Immediately after treatment, the skin may feel warm and appear pink (easily covered with make up). In rare occasions, mild swelling or bruising may occur. However for most patients, discomfort is mild-to-nonexistent and they can return to work immediately.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

The optimum number of treatments depends on your skin. While pigmentation and photoaging typically require one to three sessions, deeper acne scarring benefits from at least five sessions.

What Else Can I Do?

It's true beauty is only skin deep. To ensure amazing results from your IPL Photofacial, it's important to also assess your diet, exercise and overall health. In addition to certified IPL Photofacial professionals, Reflections also offers nutrition counseling and weight loss treatments. And along with your IPL Photofacial, a Laser Hair Removal session will ensure that you put your 'best face forward'!

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