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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Vinny Gigliotti, CEO of Environmental Solutions
Indoor Air Quality During Quarantine
Environmental Solutions, Inc.

Indoor Air Quality During Quarantine

More than ever, our homes have become places of refuge and safety. Assurance that our homes are safe indoor environments and are not causing adverse health effects is crucial during this uncertain time. Environmental testing can provide insight to the composition of the indoor air quality in your home, uncovering potential exposure to microbial and biological hazards. Mold and other biological contaminants can lurk behind wallpaper and under flooring and are not always able to be detected visually, which is why environmental inspections and testing are important.

Why Should You Get Environmental Testing?

  • If you have experienced flooding or a water leak, mold growth is highly possible. Testing can determine if there is mold in the breathable air, what type of mold it is and how detrimental it is, and what can be done to eliminate it.
  • If you are moving into a new home and are concerned about what the previous tenants may have left behind, such as bacteria or allergens, indoor air quality environmental testing is recommended. It will help determine if any contaminates are present in the home.
  • If there are any children, elderly people, or anyone with a weakened immune system in your home, indoor air quality environmental testing is very important. These people are at a higher risk of environmental harm.
  • If you are concerned at all regarding the quality of the air in your home, testing is recommended. Length of exposure is often the most important factor regarding the severity of health effects.
  • If you have had exposure to COVID-19 or an individual who had tested positive resides in the home. After cleaning, surfaces can be tested to ensure the virus is no longer present.

Having environmental sampling conducted in your home can assure healthy indoor air quality, alleviate discomforting health issues, and possibly improve quality of life. This is especially important for children, the elderly, those with asthma or allergies, and those with weakened immune systems, as they are most susceptible to environmental harm.
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