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How to Admit to Yourself That You Have an Addiction Problem
Your Health Magazine

How to Admit to Yourself That You Have an Addiction Problem

There can be a fine line between using a substance regularly and becoming addicted. Some individuals cling to this differentiation. In their minds, if they’re a regular drinker of alcohol, for instance, but they’re not actually addicted to it, that means they’re still in control, and they don’t need help.

Addiction treatment centers in Arkansas are available for those who live in that state and feel they need help with their drug or alcohol use. Such treatment centers usually have a caring medical staff that can help someone whose behavior has become an issue for themselves, their friends, and family members.

If you’re unsure whether you have an addiction problem or not, you may have to take some painful steps. They may not be easy, but they’re crucial. Let’s look at some of those right now.

Determine Whether You’ll Go Into Withdrawal if You Stop Using Your Drug of Choice

One of the most foolproof ways to tell whether you are addicted to something is to deprive yourself of it. If you drink every day, but you don’t feel that you drink to excess, then you might be able to keep telling yourself that you are not an addict. The same may be true of your use of some other drug.

Try quitting cold turkey. If you find that you soon begin to experience the physical symptoms of withdrawal, then there can be little doubt that you have an addiction problem. The sooner you face that, the better.

Ask People Who You Trust if They Think You’re an Addict

Maybe you would prefer not to cut off your alcohol or drug of choice. Instead, you might try another method.

You can ask the people in your life who you trust, such as family members, close friends, or perhaps your coworkers with whom you have good relationships whether they think you are an addict. If you ask them to be honest with you, then they should be able to give you their impression of your behavior. If they all agree that they think you have an addiction to something, then you can probably take them at their word.

Take a Hard Look at Your Behavior

If you don’t want to do either of those things, then you might scrutinize your behavior and use that to determine whether you have an addiction. Addicts are usually secretive about their alcohol or drug use. Do you hide it from others sometimes?

They also frequently can’t get through a whole day without using their drug of choice. Can you do that? Also, addicts will often use their drug of choice or have a drink before work. Do you have an eye-opener in the morning before starting your shift?

The answers to these questions should reveal whether you’re an addict. However, someone who’s not willing to quit their drug of choice cold turkey is probably either an addict or very close to it, so that can be the telltale sign that gives you a conclusive answer.
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