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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
gLou Stevens, PEMF Expert
Chlorine-Free Steam Sauna Reduces Pain & Inflammation
Center for Natural Healing
. https://www.pemf-energymedicine.com

Chlorine-Free Steam Sauna Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Chlorine-Free Steam Sauna Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Numerous studies have been conducted to verify the prevalence and impact of pain on older adults in the United States.  The data revealed that older adults ages ≥65 years were dealing with some form or bothersome pain in various parts of their body (knees, hips, hands, shoulders, neck and lower back).  The report also indicated that the prevalence of pain was higher in women and in older adults dealing with obesity, musculoskeletal conditions, and depressive symptoms. 

One study showed the link between pain and the lack of regular exercise, deliberate specific movements, that help to improve circulation, which when practiced regularly gradually decreases joint stiffness and reduces pain.

Sitting for long periods of time contributes to promoting pain.   This is a problem that seniors living alone experience as well as those living in an assisted living home or nursing home environment.  

Another aspect to consider is chronic pain.  Chronic inflammation that persists over a long period of time due to stress that’s associated with an illness is harmful because it can lead to health problems like heart disease, different forms of arthritis, and cancer.  How have seniors dealt with pain?  There are several factors to consider when dealing with pain.   What’s causing the pain?  Is the pain due to an injury, surgical procedure, scar tissue, weight, etc…  To address the cause of pain the U.S. pharmaceutical industry and many independent corporations have formulated pain products that fall within two categories: prescribed pain medications and over-the-counter pain products.

There are tons of ads promoting the use of prescribed medications for pain associated with various illnesses to over-the-counter pain products such as creams, lotions, and sprays.   Health food stores offer natural remedies to address pain – medical marijuana is accepted as a pain relief product for several chronic illnesses.  And the deadliest pain products that came on the scene about 20 years ago for pain relief are opioids.   The opioid crisis still exists.

Then we have several hands-on treatments provided by pain therapists.  They are acupuncturist, physical/occupation therapist, chiropractors, and other medical and/or holistic professionals who offer pain management services.   But have you ever considered how helpful a steam sauna can be in alleviating your pain? 

Chlorine-free steam heat can open up your body’s blood and lymphatic systems increasing blood flow and lymph fluid to the areas where you’re experiencing pain.  Steam saunas can open both the inside and outside of your body.  Blood flow and lymph fluids lubricate stiff joints and increase blood flow.  Joints become more flexible, decreasing painful movements. The source of your stress that’s causing inflammation is also gradually being reduced thereby enabling your body to experience a calm that permeates your mind, body and soul.  No more pain.     

Can’t the Steam in My Bathroom Stop My Pain?

The steam produced by a standard home heating system will not produce the temperature that’s necessary to have a positive impact on all your body’s systems.  Nor is bathroom steam able to stop joint pain or inflammation.  Just the opposite is true.  There are several scientific reports indicating the dangers of chlorinated water.  One reports links chlorinated water to numerous health problems like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and cancer.  Sitting in the chlorinated steam produced in your bathroom is actually hazardous to your health.

Becoming pain free from the oldest pain relief practice known to man – Steam Sauna – is available through our Mobile Medi Sauna Service.  Call today to schedule your in-home session.  Experience the health benefits of a chlorine free Steam Sauna. Call now: 240-350-2835.

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