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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Are You a Victim Of Believing a Dental Myth?

Are You a Victim Of Believing a Dental Myth?

Everyone knows that your teeth are only as good as your parents.My parents lost most of their teeth so I might as well pull mine and get dentures now.I get cavities a lot because my teeth are soft. Pregnancy ruins your teeth.Everyone should brush twice a day, floss once a day and see the dentist every six months, right?Wrong!

You are in control of your dental health. Proper home care habits, dental cleanings and a healthy lifestyle can protect your teeth for life, but everyone has different anatomy and different needs.

Talk to your dentist and hygienist about your homecare habits. Be honest. They can give you tips on tools, techniques and treatments specific to your needs. Be humble in this conversation and apply what you learn.

You are worth a beautiful smile.

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