Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Melo Forchu

We are here to assist you to “Treat the cause… not the symptom.” Melo Rejuvenation Laboratories, is a group of dedicated scientists, researchers, doctors and chemists who are committed to serving the wellbeing of humankind. That means going the extra mile in taking the complexity out of self education and spending the time with any individual who genuinely wishes to learn living a balanced life, what we call Omnistasis.

For nearly two decades, our company has done this by researching and producing products that get powerful results in your balanced and healthy lifestyle. We maintain the highest safeguards to ensure that all of our customers receive the highest quality, yet affordable, nutritional support products for the results they desire. Through our web sites, numerous distribution outlets, and distribution partners, we specialize in and proudly offer the finest anti-aging products to not only Internet consumers, but also traditional health food stores as well as specialty item stores. We provide our customers the choice of using advanced Internet ordering, or conveniently calling our state-of-the-art calling center.

At present, we have strategic partner alliances in place with doctors and researchers in many areas of nutrition science with a special focus on hormones, nutrition and balanced health. We are continually researching the

very latest science and medical data to continually offer only excellence
in natural anti-aging and weight loss supplements to ensure the highest
level of customer loyalty and satisfaction.

We can help you remain young, physically and
mentally sound with a strong body and mind!

• Weight Loss Products & Solutions –
   100% Safe, Doctor Recommended

• Hormone Evaluation – Cortisol, Testosterone, and More

• HGH – Hormone Growth Hormone – Anti-Aging, Sports Performance

• Complete Reference Lab – CBC, Vitamin D Level Testing, and More

• Medical Center, Pharmacy, and X-Ray on-site

• Adrenal Gland Evaluation • Autoimmune Disorders

Visit or Call us Today to find out how we can help you!

Laboratory • Pharmacy • Best Medical Center • X-Ray
Weight Loss & Rejuvenation • Stem Cells

Best Pharmacy


Best Pharmacy
6495 New Hampshire Avenue
Suite B130
Hyattsville, MD 20783

6869 New Hampshire Avenue
Takoma Park, MD

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130