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Joy Cheriel Brown

Joy Cheriel Brown is an accomplished filmmaker, author, and certified hypnotherapist. Her brand is focused on helping people recognize the powerful creators they are, and empowering them to make their dreams come true.

​She has a Bachelor of Arts from Howard University where she studied film and English and graduated summa cum laude, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from National University. She received her training and certification in hypnotherapy from Marisa Peer, Britain’s leading hypnotherapist, who developed Rapid Transformational Therapy.

Joy is the founder of Third Person Omniscient Productions, a production company whose mission it is to produce powerful, meaningful, thought-provoking movies, plays, and television shows that enlighten audiences about the human condition, shed light on the meaning of life, and raise the collective consciousness. Her first feature film is currently in development by her production company.

Joy has written for Script Magazine and other media outlets, and has a YouTube channel. She is also the author of “The Secret of Life Through Screenwriting: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Structure Your Screenplay, Create Characters, and Find Meaning in Your Script,” which is available on Amazon.
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