Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Harvesting Aloe

It is common knowledge that the aloe vera plant is excellent for cuts, burns, and insect bites. Having been labeled by many as a self-regenerating… Continue Reading

Five More Things To Keep Your Skin From Drying Out

Part Two Last month I provided you with five tips to help keep your skin from drying out. Here is a list of five more… Continue Reading

Non-Duality It's Not What You Think

Understanding non-duality can help to bring peace and richness to our journey through life. What Does “Non-Duality” Mean? We humans live in a world of… Continue Reading

New Year's Health Resolutions You Can Stick With

The New Year is a great time to take an honest look at your health and make some decisions. Have you been eating enough veggies?… Continue Reading

How To Make Your Fitness Resolutions Work This Time

Are you making the same resolution year after year? How do you break that cycle and make it actually happen this time? Here are a… Continue Reading

New Year's Resolutions Tips For Women

It's that time of year again time to set some New Year's resolutions. The best promises you make to yourself for 2015 should be simple,… Continue Reading

What To Expect From Low Vision Rehabilitation

Individuals with low vision (vision that cannot be improved by using glasses or contact lenses only) can learn to adapt to their vision loss when… Continue Reading

As We Think, So Shall We Be

Did you know that your muscles have memory? If I told you to show me a golf swing (if that's your sport) or how you'd… Continue Reading

Physical Therapy and Breast Health

Most people wouldn't know it, but physical therapists provide quite a bit of treatment to restore and maintain breast health. From post-operative care for a… Continue Reading

Seasonal Oils Not Just a Pretty Smell

Aromas help define a season or holiday just as dcor or food choices of that given time. The oils of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove are… Continue Reading

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