Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

When Was Your Last Tetanus Booster?

Do you know when you had your last tetanus booster? Has it been 10 years since your last one? Many of us don't think about… Continue Reading

Cellulite Can Happen At Any Age To Anyone

Cellulite is characterized by lumpy, bumpy, irregular “cottage-cheese” appearing skin. The nodular swellings of cellulite result from swollen clumps of fat that push up against… Continue Reading

Oral Health Linked To Overall Health

The importance of brushing your teeth and flossing regularly is no secret good dental hygiene keeps your mouth healthy while preventing oral problems such as… Continue Reading

What To Look For With Concussions

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct or indirect blow to the head that changes the brain chemistry. Concussions have a… Continue Reading

Mental Health and Alternative Medicine

As our understanding of diseases has grown so has the need for finding alternative approaches to treat them. Many treatments address the symptoms and manage… Continue Reading

Soul Writing

The Secret. In her article entitled Soul Writing Tool of Transformation author, Joanne DiMaggio tells us of the astonishing benefits of a little known skill… Continue Reading

Relief From Fibromyalgia Pain

If you haven't had your life stolen away by fibromyalgia, this might not seem like much. One of the symptoms of fibromyalgia is widespread pain… Continue Reading

Spring Into the Season With Fabulous Feet

Spring is here. It's that time of year when boots and closed-toed shoes go into hibernation and the feet get their first peek at the… Continue Reading

Skin Dehydration During Winter

Our skin suffers during the winter and we usually ask ourselves why it feels so rough and dry. Artificial heat and cold weather will dehydrate… Continue Reading

Healthy Teeth, Youthful Face

Have you ever wondered why people with dentures look older with or without their dentures? This finding is one of the favorite subjects of cartoonists… Continue Reading

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130