Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Pain Killers and the New National Epidemic

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), prescription drug abuse is agrowingnational epidemic. The treatment of chronic pain, therapeuticopioiduse andabuse, and thenon-medical use of… Continue Reading

Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) are common in both women and men. Both CPP and PFD have an impact on daily… Continue Reading

Skin Cancer

The largest organ of the human body is the skin. With this in mind, it makes sense that skin cancer is the most prevalent of… Continue Reading

Simplified Treatment Of the Weak Chin

Are you bothered by a weak chin? Patients often notice issues related the projection of their chin and neck in photographs of their profile. This… Continue Reading

Exercise, Eating, and Mood

With the ongoing stressors of your work, home, and environment, it is no surprise that you will experience symptoms of the emotional twins; anxiety and… Continue Reading

Safe Summer Driving

The summer presents some unique challenges for drivers all over the Washington metropolitan area. What should you be on the lookout for, and how can… Continue Reading

Don't Put Off Your Dental Visits

A recent Gallup poll found that about one in three U.S. adults say they did not visit the dentist at some point in the past… Continue Reading

The Importance of Rehabilitation of Ankle Sprains

One of the most common injuries in sports is an inversion (turning inward) ankle sprain. These injuries happen frequently and can have a dramatic effect… Continue Reading

Can Hypnotherapy Alleviate My Anxiety and Stress?

Do you often find yourself worrying unnecessarily? Regardless of what the issue is, is your mind racing constantly, the wheels grinding endlessly, crowding out other,… Continue Reading

Fibromyalgia Or Chronic Pain? Which Came First?

There's seems to be an epidemic of pain in our country. There is a significant amount of confusion about the diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic… Continue Reading

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