Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Benefits Of 3-Dimensional (3-D) X-rays

We have been hearing the term 3-D in many aspects of our lives, from 3-D printing toys to using a 3-dimensional program to design and… Continue Reading

You Don't Have To Live With Chronic Pelvic Pain

Have you been living with chronic pelvic pain (CPP)? Have you been evaluated by a pelvic pain specialist? Are you tired of circling back and… Continue Reading

Weight Loss Stop Guessing, Stop Dieting With Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine

Weight loss, one of the most talked about topics when it comes to women's health. Let's face it, in today's media driven society, we are… Continue Reading

Is Life Coaching For Me?

Sometimes in life we need a little help getting from where we are to where we want to be and no matter how much we… Continue Reading

Get an Energy Boost

Are you in a low-energy rut? Sometimes it's lack of sleep that's the culprit, but other times even if you're getting your Zzzzs you can… Continue Reading

How Agents Help During Home Sales

Just because you can buy and sell property on your own, it doesn't mean you should. Real estate agents remain essential when making these pivotal… Continue Reading

Hearing Loss The Third Most Common Health Problem In the United States

Hearing loss currently affects more than 36 million Americans today. Although hearing problems are commonly associated with the normal aging process, more than half of… Continue Reading

Managing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Customized Oral Appliance Therapy

I define treatment success in the management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) through oral appliance therapy (OAT) as requiring minimal intervention, resulting in maximal compliance… Continue Reading

What Does Being Relaxed Really Mean?

Laying on a beach, with a cool breeze going through the air Just thinking about a nice long vacation to your favorite spot can make… Continue Reading

Electronic Modalities Used In Chiropractic Care

Laser is a powerful tool that stimulates macrophage, mast cell and other production for healing, improves mitochondrial function for energy and increases cellular perfusion for… Continue Reading

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