Here are the Top Doctors in Arlington, VA
Need to see a doctor? Your Health Magazine can help you find the best doctors and practitioners near you in Arlington, VA. Click on a doctor’s profile to learn more about them, and to read articles they have wrote to help you and your family live healthier. The Arlington, VA doctors who participate in Your Health Magazine really make a difference!
Dr. Angela C. Johnson, LPC
I believe that by mastering our past we have the power to change our future. I use integrative approaches to assist clients with identifying their strengths and overcoming barriers that...202-527-9120
Washington, DC
View ProfileSally DiCesare, RDH
Fairlington Dental
Sally DiCesare, RDH, is a pain-free living specialist and dental hygienist with a passion for nutrition and holistic health. Growing up with a father who emphasized the importance of giving...703-671-1001
Arlington, VA 22206
View ProfileVivien C. Reyes, RDH
Fairlington Dental
Vivien became part of the Fairlington Dental family in February 2012 as a Registered Dental Hygienist after earning her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree Cum Laude from Old... View ProfileVirginia Kywe, RDH
Fairlington Dental
Virginia has been with Fairlington Dental for over 27 years, starting as a hygienist after 18 years as an assistant. She values the autonomy to treat patients properly, as supported...703-671-1001
Arlington, VA 22206
View ProfileLaVonn Hardy, RDH
Fairlington Dental
LaVonn joined the Fairlington Dental team in October 1998. Originally from Danville, VA, she began her dental career with a 900-hour vocational training in dental assisting during high school. LaVonn... View ProfileFairlington Dental
The Fairlington Dental Team is here and ready to serve you! Complete Health Dentistry That Improves Lives Advanced Pain Relief. Customized Sleep Solutions. Elegant Cosmetic Dentistry.703-671-1001
Arlington, VA 22206
View ProfileMisty Sluyter, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Meet Misty, a powerhouse in dental hygiene and orofacial myology. With over a quarter-century of experience, Misty has honed her craft, specializing in orofacial myofunctional therapy. Her journey began in...703-424-9901
Arlington, VA 22207
View ProfileAlfonso Patron, DDS
Dr. Patron is a Colombian born dentist. He completed his dental degree at Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia in 1996. Dr. Patron worked as a general dentist in private practice...703-465-5080
Arlington, VA
View ProfileCatherine P. Arzadon, MD
Catherine is a certified Laser and Skin Care specialist with 11 years experience. She specializes in non-invasive and minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedures (Facials, IPL, Skin Tightening, Laser Hair Removal,...703-379-2700
Warrenton, VA
View ProfileDelia Pomeroy, BSN, RN CMSRN, WCC
Delia Pomeroy is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from George Mason University. She is a Certified Medical Surgical Nurse (CMSRN) as well as Wound and...703-379-2700
Warrenton, VA
View Profile