Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Five Tummy Tuck Myths

“Tummy tuck” is the common term used to refer to the surgical procedure known as an abdominoplasty. The procedure can be a very effective method… Continue Reading

Snacking: How Often Is Too Often?

Whether it’s because we’re crazy busy, or because snacking helps with portion and craving control, many people find themselves snacking throughout the day – rather… Continue Reading

It’s Vitamin D Season

We’ve all learned the importance of wearing sunscreen with a high SPF (sun protection factor) and a hat when we’ll be out in the sun… Continue Reading

The Latest In Fat Removal and Body Contouring

It’s no surprise that the desire to remove unwanted fat deposits (you may call them love handles, saddle bags, etc.) has led to new technologies… Continue Reading

Even If You’re Busy, You Can Lose Weight

No doubt about it – sticking to a healthier weight loss program will require a commitment of time. But where do you find that time?… Continue Reading

Prevent Osteoporosis and Relieve Back Pain With Reformer Based Pilates

Do you have lower back pain, fibromyalgia, injured knees and ankles, or just need to tone up for summer? If so, reformer (machine) based Pilates,… Continue Reading

Eating the Right Fats For Your Bones

You’re living a healthy lifestyle, but why are you still losing bone? Maybe you have cut down on the so called “bad” fats in favor… Continue Reading

Alan S. Weiss, MD

The Thyroid Gland: Is It Betraying You?

The thyroid, a small yet indispensable aspect of the body’s hormonal system is a small butterfly shaped gland, normally weighs less than one ounce and is… Continue Reading

13 Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Alternating between periods of fasting and windows of eating – a tactic known as “intermittent fasting” – acts as a positive, mild stressor on the… Continue Reading

Food Journaling 101: Write (and Type) Your Way To Weight Loss

What does food journaling mean? It means, if you want to lose weight, one simple tool can help you reach your goal: keeping a food… Continue Reading

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