Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Key To Anti-Aging Already Within You

Your cells have always held the key secret to fighting the aging process, and science is just now unlocking the door on this revolutionary secret…. Continue Reading

Fall Lyme Disease Risk Still High

Checking for ticks in fall? You should.Although the baby ticks (nymphs) are gone, the adult ticks begin to search more for mammals particularly deer and… Continue Reading

Providing Respite For the Family Caregiver

Progress is being made on the homefront for those caring for family members suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia. Currently, about two-thirds of Americans with those… Continue Reading

Respite Services To Aide Caregivers

As we age, there are multiple options available when the need for additional care arises, ranging from residential care facilities to in-home care services. For… Continue Reading

Manage Your Family Care Team

Having trouble managing mom and dad's needs or care? Trying to work out schedules with your sisters, brothers and grand kids to pitch in? Do… Continue Reading

Is It Safe To Swim?

Thinking about swimming in the Chesapeake Bay? Find out if it is safe to swim and how to keep you and your kids happy and… Continue Reading

Primary Care and the Health Coach

Many times, a primary care physician's patient needs a lot more time and hands-on attention than they can normally provide. When it comes to chronic… Continue Reading

What Is Preventive Care and Why Is It Important?

Physicians specifically trained for and skilled in comprehensive first contact and continuing care provide primary care for persons with any undiagnosed sign, symptom, or health… Continue Reading

Is There an Alternative To Western Medicine?

The answer is yes. “Alternative therapy” represents those health remedies that are not considered standard practice in Western medicine. They are used in the place… Continue Reading

Medical Mistakes Third Leading Cause Of Death

Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. killing between 250,000-440,000 people per year, placing it only behind heart disease and… Continue Reading

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