Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

December: A Time for Reflection and Renewal

The holidays are already here; where has the year (or years) gone? Were we present this year, or were we in a trance? Most of… Continue Reading

Relieving Menstrual Discomfort – A Holistic Approach

Dysmenorrhea, a common health concern faced by women worldwide, refers to periodic pain experienced during or prior to, or after menstrual periods. It occurs due… Continue Reading

New Year, New You 2024

A new year, leaving the past and looking toward the future, means being in the present, the gift of life. This article will discuss some… Continue Reading

Janine Horne, MSN-Ed, RN, AHN-BC

Embracing Holistic Health and Wellness For a Balanced Life

In a world that often emphasizes quick fixes and isolated treatments for health issues, holistic health and wellness stand out as a comprehensive and sustainable… Continue Reading

How Not to Gain Weight During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is synonymous with festive cheer, family gatherings, and an array of delicious foods. While it’s a time for merriment and relaxation, many… Continue Reading

Take 5 To Thrive! Through the Holidays and Beyond

There are Take 5 oils changes, car washes and candy bars that you can experience in your life. But it is the precious intentional 5… Continue Reading

Sharron Sample

Medical Cannabis: A Safe and Effective Tool For Chronic Pain

For most patients, medical cannabis has proven to be an effective and safe tool for chronic pain.One of the significant advantages is its potential to… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Exploring the Role of Dietary Changes in Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a heightened occurrence in recent years, impacting millions of individuals globally. This functional ailment… Continue Reading

A New Foundation For the New Year

As we head towards the end of another difficult year and into the holiday season, there is an opportunity to recalibrate, reverse a trajectory and… Continue Reading

Lisa Thorne, Holistic Wellness Coach

Breaking Free: Strategies for Overcoming Feeling “Stuck” and Achieving Happiness

Feeling “stuck” is a common experience describing feeling frustrated, unmotivated, or unfulfilled.  Whether related to your relationships, career, or personal development, the sensation of being trapped… Continue Reading

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