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Your Health Magazine

What Are the Top 10 Most Commonly Abused Substances in the World?

Substance abuse is a continuing problem, and it’s one that many people will struggle to get past. Some of the most commonly abused substances in… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Benefits Of Holistic Recovery For Drug Rehab In New Jersey

Addictions are strong dependencies that people fall into for a number of reasons. Used as a coping mechanism or simply to pass the time, they… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Alcohol Use Disorder: Comparing the Suitability of Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment

Battling Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a significant challenge. It’s characterized by an inability to manage or stop alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

The Intersection of Mental Health and Addiction: Strategies for Dual Recovery

When mental health challenges and addiction collide, it creates a unique set of struggles for many individuals. This overlap is what we call the intersection… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

The Importance of Professional Help in Addiction Recovery

Substance abuse disorders can happen to absolutely anyone – stereotypes that paint certain groups more disposed to addiction do terrible injustice to the actual underlying… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Mindfulness Practices for Managing Addiction and Health

Addiction and related substance abuse disorders have affected over 37 million Americans as of 2020. The journey of recovery isn’t linear or straightforward; it demands… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Feeling Behind? Here’s How To Get Your Life Back on Track in 10 Simple Steps

Has your life gotten off track? You aren’t alone, as many people now find themselves in this situation. The following are 10 simple yet effective… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

5 Manipulative Behaviors Observed in Addiction Sufferers

Although addicts shouldn’t be treated like pariahs of society, it’s also important to recognize that they can be quite manipulative of those around them in… Continue Reading

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Addressing Mental Health and Addiction

Amid the entanglement between emotional health and substance crises lies crippling complexity for countless suffering souls today. Yet redemption stands possible through the lifeline of… Continue Reading

Your Health Magazine

Is There a Link Between Alcoholism and Burnout?

The term “burnout” is becoming more of a part of the common vernacular these days. Most people understand what it means to some extent. To… Continue Reading

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