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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
George Bitar, MD
Mommy Wants Her Body Back
Bitar Cosmetic Surgery Institute
. http://www.bitarinstitute.com

Mommy Wants Her Body Back

For many women, the joy of childbearing brings changes in their bodies that can be concerning after pregnancy. While diet and exercise can help to restore pre-pregnancy weight, it may not be sufficient to correct changes that occur in breast size and shape, abdominal contour or body contour.

Childbearing can cause irreversible changes in the body due to hormonal influences on breast size, shape, and skin texture. These influences also cause changes in the body including stretch marks and loose skin of the abdomen and flanks, loose abdominal muscles and fat deposits of the arms, thighs, abdomen and back. These changes all tend to detract from the feminine silhouette that women typically have before pregnancy.

A “Mommy Make-Over” May Be Right for You If

You have excess or loss of breast volume after pregnancy/breast feeding, have excess sagging skin or lowered nipple position

You have loose abdominal muscles, stretch marks of the abdomen, and hanging skin of the abdomen with excess fat causing a lower tummy “pouch.”

You have resistant fat pockets of the arms, upper back or ” bra rolls,” waist line, or inner/outer thighs

You have lost buttock definition or projection.

The “Mommy Make-Over” is a combination of procedures designed to address these changes to restore your pre-pregnancy appearance in a comprehensive fashion. The most common breast procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or breast lift with augmentation. Body procedures include liposuction of the thighs, arms or trunk and a “tummy tuck” or abdominoplasty. Brazilian Butt Lifts utilizing your own fat to re-contour the buttock region is also increasing in popularity.

It is imperative that proper preparations and safety precautions are taken to ensure that your recovery is as smooth as possible. Preparation for a “Mommy Make-Over” includes a thorough consultation with your plastic surgeon, preoperative teaching, and preparation for recovery. Patients are also screened for medical conditions that could potentially complicate recovery.

The procedure is performed in a hospital or certified ambulatory surgery center. Depending on the extent of your procedure, you may go home the same day or be observed overnight in the hospital. Oral pain medications are effective and can be combined with other pain management treatments including pain pumps or long acting local anesthetics. Frequent follow-up visits after surgery also ensure that your recovery is uneventful.

The results of a “Mommy Makeover” are long lasting and sure to improve body image and quality of life significantly. Members of the plastic surgery social media community RealSelf.com give the “Mommy Make-Over” procedure a 98% “Worth It” rating. Barring repeat pregnancy or significant weight gain the results are very stable. On average new mothers should wait 6-12 months before proceeding with surgery. Nationally, this combination of procedures cost $13,000 on average. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with diet, regular exercise and regular follow-up with your plastic surgeon will ensure that you enjoy the results of the procedure for years to come.

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