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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Shelly Disotelle
The Beauty Of Exercise
Finesse In Training

The Beauty Of Exercise

With the April issue focusing on beauty, skin care and healthy smiles, it is not immediately apparent to most people that exercise does play a role in all of the above. The most obvious would be the beauty aspect of the benefits of exercise. Good health should be the primary motivation to exercise, however we can't deny the results of being physically fit. Those who make exercise a part of their daily routine tend to have better muscle tone and have leaner bodies. This can be a motivating factor for those who are about to begin an exercise program, since a physically fit body is seen as esthetically pleasing.

Who would ever think that exercise contributes to good skin? After all, exercise causes us to sweat and in turn, possible breakouts. However, by increasing blood flow during exercise, the skin cells stay nourished with oxygen and nutrients. The blood also carries away waste and free radicals. Reducing stress can also help skin conditions such as acne and eczema, and we know that exercising is a great stress reducer. Be sure to rinse skin of sweat to keep it fresh and breakout free. It is also important to protect skin from the harmful effects of the sun while exercising outdoors.

Exercise also plays a role in healthy teeth and gums. Exercise helps improve digestion and aids the body in effectively using vitamins and minerals that are important to dental health. In addition, exercise is known to cause the release of hormones called endorphins. These are the “happy” hormones that leave us feeling good about ourselves and when dealing with difficult life situations. If we are happier, we smile more.

There you have it. Exercise not only helps nourish skin and protect dental health, achieving a fit body and putting a smile on your face all contribute to a happier, healthier, more beautiful you.
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