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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Wayne Andersen, DO, MD
Obesity Epidemic
. http://www.drwayneandersen.com

Obesity Epidemic

We are facing a growing crisis with overweight and obesity in this country. 64.5% of our general population is now 10-30 pounds overweight and 30% of our children are overweight. If we don't reverse these trends, this epidemic will balloon in the next decade to over 80% of us being overweight.

It is virtually impossible to eat healthy in this society without tremendous effort because the food industry is not our friend. Last year 129 billion dollars were spent on fast foods, while 130 billion dollars were spent on diseases related to obesity.

We've become a society sold on large portion sizes and high calorie meals. Not only do we have excessive calorie intake, but we are eating all of the wrong things. We've increased our intake of fats, especially saturated fats, refined sugars and high glycemic foods. High glycemic foods create a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and cause a corresponding rise in insulin in our blood. Insulin acts to remove and store the excess energy by converting sugar from high glycemic foods into body fat.

In order to overcome these obstacles we have to make life-long changes. There are six factors that will ensure success in your weight management program. The first factor is eating a healthy breakfast. This starts your day the right way by giving you energy and nutrition to face a challenging world. Next is incorporating exercise and physical activity into your daily life. A sedentary lifestyle prevents you from burning the calories that you take in during meals. By remaining active you will also increase your energy.

The third important factor in a successful weight management program is having a detailed plan. The fourth factor that is critical to achieving success is having a support system. These people include your doctor, health advisor, friends and family that will help you stick to your plan and reach your goals. It is also extremely important, that you eat 56 meals or meal replacements a day. This will keep you from getting too hungry and eating unhealthy foods.

Finally, after you reach your goal weight, you need to monitor your weight closely. By working these six ideas into your weight management plan you will be able to have greater success and reach your goals.

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