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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Ayman R. Hakki, MD
Brazilian Butt Lift: FAQ

Brazilian Butt Lift: FAQ

A Brazilian butt lift is today’s most talked about surgery. Go online and you’ll get a lot of confusing information. Having done this operation for over 10 years, I’ll share with you the questions I’m often asked.

What’s a Brazilian Butt Lift? Simply put, it is transferring fat from areas of your body where you don’t need fat to an area you do need it. The beauty of the procedure is, like the name implies, it is lifting not just augmenting (making bigger), so a BBL makes your butt look lifted not just bigger.

How much fat do I need to have? There is not a set amount and most body types are candidates. A consultation would be required to determine the best areas to be liposuctioned and how much fat could be harvested. The amount we could transfer would rely on the amount that is harvested.   

Is there a weight requirement for success, and should I gain weight to get that amount? Most body types will benefit from a BBL and there is no weight requirement. The only requirement will be a medical clearance by your primary care doctor. Larger individuals can expect a larger butt because they have more fat to harvest. My slender patients have had a striking difference in their curves even though they have less fat to transfer, because less fat is needed to make a visible difference. Gaining weight is usually not needed.    

Which doctors get the best results? Board certified plastic surgeons who routinely do Brazilian butt lifts have been trained to give you the result you want, and are trained to do it safely. They were educated in the art of plastic surgery, not another specialty.

What can I personally do to assure a great result? You will need to make sure you are compliant with the doctors post-surgical instructions. Eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and not smoking will also help maintain your result.

How important are garments? Wearing a garment will not affect your final result, however garments do seem to assist in the recovery process with swelling, comfort and an overall quicker recovery.

How about butt implants? Butt implants should be reserved for the super skinny. Even a slender Patient can benefit from fat transfer. The advantages to using your own body tissue is that it will give you a beautiful round butt, it is not a foreign device, it doesn’t form a capsule, and doesn’t shift position. 

There are centers outside the United States where this operation is being done and done very cheaply. Is it a good idea to do it elsewhere? I have seen patients that have gone overseas to have procedures that have good results. I have also seen patients come in for help when they have complications and the doctor who performed their procedure is too far away to help them. It is very hard to find a plastic surgeon in the United States that will take on the complications from a surgery done overseas. Many times the patient’s only resource is an emergency room. If there is a complication it can become a big problem.  Although it is plastic surgery, it is still surgery and there are risks.  In the United States we have regulatory agencies that monitor the safety of surgery centers. I operate in my own accredited ambulatory surgery center which is inspected to make sure that we adhere to strict guidelines for cleanliness, staffing, and sterility.     

Who are the best doctors that do this procedure? When people ask who should perform a Brazilian butt lift my answer is simple, the surgeon must meet three criteria. One: they need to be a board-certified plastic surgeon. Two: they need to operate in a certified facility. Three: The surgeon must have done at least 100 Brazilian butt lifts before I would let him operate on my loved one.

I not only fulfill these three criteria but I am also an artist. Some doctors give you a butt that is bigger, not better, while I use my artistry to give an overall beautiful result. So a combination of experience and artistic ability is a must when seeking a plastic surgeon.  I also do hundreds of surgeries a year.   This specialty procedure is one of my favorite surgeries to perform because the transformation is remarkable.
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