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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Renee Bovelle, MD
Nutraceuticals, Vision & Anti-Aging
Envision Eye & Laser Center
. http://www.envisioneyeandlaser.com

Nutraceuticals, Vision & Anti-Aging

Part 1
Can Nutraceuticals Help
Keep the Eyes Healthy?
Yes. Nutraceuticals are pharmaceutical grade (USP) vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants. They help correct nutritional deficiencies commonly found in todays diet and environment. The antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E, and beta carotene) and the B-complex vitamins are particularly important. Even a slight deficiency of vitamin A can cause tired eyes, sensitivity to light variations, dry eyelids and increased susceptibility to infection. Chronic severe deficiencies can result in ulceration and distortion of the cornea and even blindness.
Research suggests that nutritional supplements containing antioxidants can significantly reduce the risk of eye disease. Macular degeneration and other eye diseases are related to damage caused by free radicals, highly reactive molecules that destroy components of the body. Free radicals are found in everything from air pollution to food preservatives and some are essential for normal metabolic processes, however the body cant handle excess free radicals and they are considered one of the main causes of aging. Researchers have known for years that antioxidants retard free radical damage in the body.
A seven-year ground breaking study known as the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), sponsored by the NIH, is the largest clinical trial to have tested the impact of nutritional supplements on macular degeneration. It showed that vitamin supplements containing high-doses of anti-oxidants and zinc reduced the likelihood of progression of intermediate and advanced degrees of macular degeneration by 25%.
Why Should I Take Nutraceuticals?
Inadequate intake, lack of absorption or subtle deficiencies in several vitamins causes risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, decreased vision and other chronic diseases. Industrialization has also played a key factor in nutritional deficienciesby reducing the available nutrients essential to body functions. Other factors such as smog, smoke, pollutants, prolonged transport and storage contribute to the reduced nutrient value of our fruits, vegetables and other food commodities. Because suboptimal conditions have been proven to exist with ramifications of chronic disease, it is vital to develop the science of vitamin supplementation.
It is essential that you discuss nutritional supplementation with your physician. Not all supplements are for every person. They should be tailored to your specific condition.
The National Institutes of Health has established The Office of Dietary Supplements to further research in nutritional supplementation and to educate the public. There are those of you reading this article that view your diets as well rounded and meeting all general aspects of the basic food groups and generally recommended daily allowances. Normally, the more specialized needs a patient has, the greater the importance of daily supplements. Furthermore, scientific research has overwhelmingly suggested that almost everyone needs daily nutrient supplementation. The National Academy of Sciences has recommended vitamins for large segments of the population. Stating that even those who eat a well-balanced diet may not receive all the dietary nutrients from food alone.

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