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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kathy Mellott, AuD
Audiologist Your Best Hearing Aid
Audiology Unlimited
. http://www.audiologyunlimited.net/

Audiologist Your Best Hearing Aid

Start the New Year off right with better hearing. Many insurance companies are beginning to cover a portion of the cost of hearing aids. Federal Employee Plans (FEP) of CareFirst Blue Shield began paying a portion of the cost in January 2009. The program is expanding in January 2010. Although advanced and premium hearing aids are not covered in full, the program pays a significant portion and pays for audiology services for evaluation, selection, fitting, programming and dispensing the hearing aids.
Medicare still does not cover hearing aids, or testing for hearing aids, under any circumstances. It only covers hearing evaluations that are medically necessary. A physicians referral is mandated to ensure medical necessity for audiological testing. Diagnostic evaluations are then covered. However, if Medicare believes that an audiological evaluation is to obtain hearing aids, the testing is disallowed. An evaluation of hearing cannot be performed if wax is blocking sound. Seeing a physician before a hearing evaluation ensures that wax is not blocking the ear canal.
Some insurance companies have contracted with companies who act as intermediaries in the hearing aid purchasing process. Information is given to the subscriber about discounts on hearing aids. Although this may sound tempting, for some people it does not provide the best service to the patient. Providers are limited to those who subscribe to the discount plan. The number of hearing aid manufacturers is limited. And, some audiologists will match the program pricing so that ordering does not have to be delayed by using a “middle-man.” It is best to contact your local audiologist to discuss these plans before activating the program.
At warehouse stores, the selection of manufacturers may be limited. There are many excellent hearing aid manufacturers from all over the world that should be available to those seeking hearing help. Not every manufacturer has the same technology. And, not all technology is compatible with every hearing impairment. Mail ordering of hearing aids is illegal in Maryland. The main problem is the fitting of the hearing aid. Hearing aids are programmable and need to be programmed according to current hearing. Maryland law requires that a hearing evaluation be performed not more than six months prior to fitting a hearing aid. Also, medical clearance by a physician is required to purchase a hearing aid. A trial period is also required by Maryland state law. However, a portion of the cost of the hearing aid may be retained as a restocking fee.
Consult an audiologist before purchasing a hearing aid or entering into a contract to be sure that you are receiving appropriate hearing healthcare.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130