Back To Balance
Back To Balance Osteopathic Wellness
107 Ridgely Ave
Suite 14C
Annapolis, MD 21401
What To Do If You Suspect Leaky Gut
Leaky gut syndrome, as the name implies, is when the small intestine “leaks” or allows particles such as undigested food, bacteria, toxins and waste products to enter the bloodstream. Because these items don’t belong in the blood, your body triggers an autoimmune response, which can manifest as symptoms including inflammation, allergies or rashes.
Leaky gut is only beginning to be recognized as a legitimate condition by the traditional medical community, and just as there is no definitive diagnosis, there is no cure-all remedy. However, there is agreement among health professionals that there are actions you can take to minimize the effect of leaky gut and possibly repair the damage.
There are four main culprits of leaky gut: poor diet, high stress, toxin overload and dysbiosis.
Poor Diet. Because leaky gut deals with the digestive tract, it should come as no surprise that the most effective remedy is eating more healthfully. Modern society indulges in a diet high in processed sugars, gluten, alcohol and dairy — all things that may lead to leaky gut syndrome.
An anti-inflammatory diet is the most recommended course of treatment for leaky gut because it eliminates all those triggers. An elimination diet can also provide clues to what your specific triggers are. It is also recommended that you add foods known to combat inflammation, such as essential fatty acids found in nuts and fish; and eat foods high in antioxidants like blueberries.
High Stress. Not only does modern life encourage us to eat poorly, but it is also extremely stressful. Prolonged periods of stress are known to weaken our immune systems, which can exacerbate leaky gut symptoms. It is important to look for ways to minimize stress in your life where you can. This might mean meditating, exercising or getting a good night’s sleep.
Toxin Overload. Some research also indicates that certain medications may encourage leaky gut, including many over-the-counter remedies like aspirin and acetaminophen. Excessive alcohol consumption, parasitic infections, radiation and chemotherapy all have possible links to leaky gut syndrome as well.
Look for ways to eliminate as many toxins from our body as possible. This might mean drinking filtered water or buying organic produce.
Dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is the imbalance of bacteria in your gut. Along with “bad” bacteria that make us sick, there is also a plethora of good bacteria (known as “gut flora”) that helps keep us healthy. When we don’t have enough good bacteria in our systems, it can lead to leaky gut. The main reason for dysbiosis is the overuse of antibiotics, which kill all bacteria in our bodies – both good and bad. Once the beneficial bacteria is gone, it can be hard to build it up to healthy levels again. The best way to do this is by taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods that naturally contain beneficial bacteria like kefir. Fermented foods including kimchi and sauerkraut also promote gut flora.
It is important to talk with a trusted health professional if you think you are suffering from leaky gut syndrome. He or she will be able to discuss treatment options and create a personalized plan to best deal with your particular case.