Human Touch Health
5542 Karen Elaine Drive
New Carrollton, MD 20784
(240) 583-0849
Veterans, Did You Know?
A large number of veterans do not know that if they are unable to physically go to the hospital or doctor's office and are in need of skilled nursing or physical therapy, they may qualify to get treatment in the comfort of their own homes. Regardless of whether they are in their senior years, recovering from a knee surgery or hip replacement, in need of wound care, on active duty and recovering at home from surgery, or fresh off the battlefield and in need of physical, occupational or speech therapies to make life adjustments due to loss of limb or impairment, home care is available. Benefits can be coordinated with most private insurance companies or Medicare and veterans can receive the short-term treatments needed for a healthy recovery in the convenience of their own homes. Be sure to contact your primary care physician for an order or contact a licensed and experienced home care agency for quality and convenient home care services.
Why Home Care?
There are several conclusive reasons to choose home care over institutional or hospital care. The main underlying reasons are cost and the local personalized home health care services available to the client. With the accessibility of high-tech medical equipment, medical supplies, skilled professionals, and attentive home care management, your home can become a reassuring and comfortable care setting. This can be accomplished for less than a hospital or other similar care setting.
For these reasons, insurance carriers, federal and state health programs, case managers, physician, discharge planners, and other health care professionals find home care preferable to hospitalization, confinement in a medical, or other extended care facilities.
Thank you for your service to our country.