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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Wendy J. Hilliard, DC, Regional Wellness Manager
Take the Spice Out Of Inflammation
Knowles Apothecary Wellness
. http://www.knowleswellness.com/

Take the Spice Out Of Inflammation

Chronic pain is a health problem that can rule your life. It will tell you when and what you can and cannot do. Who needs that? Understanding what causes chronic pain is essential to managing it and eliminating it from your life. Chronic pain is defined as any persistent pain that lasts longer than three months, the most common type being joint pain. Almost all chronic joint pain is caused by some type of inflammation.

Inflammation is our body's natural defense mechanism against infection and injury. Signs of inflammation include pain, redness, heat, and swelling. To a certain degree, inflammation is a good thing because it is the way our body heals an injured area. Inflammation becomes a problem when it continues and progresses over a long period of time resulting in the formation of new connective tissues. The body recognizes these new tissues as a threat and so continues to send inflammatory agents to the affected joint. We all know what can happen when you invite too many guests to a party. It can get out of control very easily.

An effective way to address joint inflammation before it becomes a problem is by the use of anti-inflammatory agents. Natural anti-inflammatory substances can be effective to combat pain and symptoms associated with chronic joint pain.

Boswellia serrata is an Indian herb with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that has been used for centuries to treat rheumatic disorders and osteoarthritis. The gummy resin in the trunk of this small tree contains boswellic acid, nature's prize gem anti-inflammatory in the search for natural pain killers.

Turmeric is not just a spice to flavor your recipes. Used in Chinese and Indian medicine, turmeric root powder (or curcumin) has been reported to reduce and prevent joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Ginger has many medicinal uses. Its renowned anti-inflammatory compounds known as ginerols come from the rhizome (fleshy part) of ginger root. Not only is it an anti-inflammatory, ginger has even been shown to suppress the production of pro-inflammatory agents (cytokines and chemokines) produced by the joints own synovial fluid and cartilage. Nature is just brilliant.

Living with chronic pain does not have to be an option. Nature knew best and placed these safe and effective anti-inflammatory agents in plain sight for us to find. Bottled in capsule form for easy medicinal use, they can be found individually or in therapeutic blends.

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