Minimalistic Ayurveda
In this article, we will explore how we can use color therapy and the artist color wheel to create a minimalist concept of Ayurveda and dosha balancing.
The following concepts are general, minimalistic, can be expanded upon and are not authoritative. Please see an Ayurvedic professional in your area to create a proper individualized protocol for lifestyle recommendations.
The artist color wheel contains all colors and their compliments. The colors and their compliments are as follows: red, and its compliment, green; orange and its compliment, blue; and purple and its compliment orange.
1. Red
The qualities and elements of pitta dosha – fire and water, pitta dosha is hot, light, subtle and sharp. We consider the pitta dosha as the color red; who’s opposite is blue. Red is seen in the body when pitta dosha is dominant in blood, acne, rosacea, red eyes, inflammation, and lesions. The color red is considered in art and color therapy as a warm color, just as pitta dosha has heating qualities. Red’s opposite, green is considered as a cooling and grounding color and balances the pitta dosha.
For example:
• Leafy greens
• Aloe vera
• Neem oil
• Surrounding oneself with a cooling color tones.
2. Yellow
The qualities and elements of kapha dosha – earth and water, kapha dosha is cool, heavy, and dense. We consider the kapha dosha as the color purple, because while the color purple it is cooling, it is also rich, and sweet like a kapha dosha person. The opposite of purple is yellow. Yellow is a warm color, and kapha dosha can even stand to be surrounded by even more heating colors, such as orange and intense colors like red.
For example:
• Turmeric
• Ginger
• Lemon essential oil
• Surrounding oneself with a warming color tones.
3. Blue
The qualities and elements of vata dosha – space and air, vata dosha is clear, subtle, light, cold and dry. We consider the vata dosha as the color clear, who’s opposite is opaque. Opaque, or white, is seen in the body when vata dosha is dominant in mucous, strong bones, nails and teeth (vata dosha, in some aspects, can be considered as vatas opposite). The color clear can also have a bluish tint to it, which is considered in art and color therapy to be a cool color, just as vata dosha has a cooling quality. Blue’s opposite, orange is considered as a warming and grounding color and can balance the vata dosha:
• Sweet potato
• Cooked carrot
• Orange essential oil
• Surrounding oneself with a warm color tones.