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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jessica Howard, DC
Living Your Life To The Max
Ashburn Wellness & Pain Center

Living Your Life To The Max

I am sure you are thinking, wait a minute, how to stay young the first 100 years of my life? That sounds pretty farfetched and ambitious. Honestly, it's really not. You may want to start thinking about what it means for you and your family to live a long time. Let me share a few facts with you.

The average life span in 1900 was 49 years old. There is no question that this was because many people died when they were very young. Society did not have the health care system we have today.

Fast forward to 2014 the average life span today is 77.5 years and growing. There was a study done by the University of Texas stating that by the year 2050 over 800,000 Americans will be over the age of 100 and many will be living to 150. If we are going to live for 100 years, we need our lives to be of quality. We do not merely want to be able to exist on this planet; we want to be able to live and work and play on this planet.

Now that you know you are going to live 20 to 40 years past 77, we need to take some precautions to make sure we live active and full lives. The biggest problem we have seen come about with the increased life span is the increase in musculoskeletal problems. In other words, over time we lose the ability to move around the way we used to.

We have increased the odds of our living past 80, and we have increased our life's activities but we have not changed the way we take care of our spine. If we lose our mobility at 65 and live to 105, that is 40 years of immobility and pain.

What can you do to improve your mobility and add quality to your life after age 77? Diet and regular exercise are a must but the best-kept secret is chiropractic care. Through chiropractic care, hundreds of people have lived long, active lives, being able to enjoy the things that matter most, to well into their golden years free of pain and disease. I encourage you to start taking care of your spine today and stay young the first 100 years of your life.
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