Quality Chiropractic
6231 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22044
(703) 237-0404

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy
Many women that are regular recipients of chiropractic care are unaware of the benefits of continuing care throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy can be an incredible time in a woman's life, as well as a magical experience. It is also a period of time where the body undergoes significant changes chemically and physically. Chiropractic care has been found to be a safe and effective treatment to help mommies-to-be properly adjust and provide the optimal environment for the growing fetus to develop and make for a safer, easier birth.
Firstly, it is important to understand the changes that the female body undergoes, hormonal and physical. The hormonal changes are chemical events and affect the muscles and ligaments that support the spine and pelvis. As the fetus continues to grow, the body changes more physically, and as the mom begins to gain weight it shifts her center of gravity, which creates changes in her posture. As the pregnancy progresses and comes closer to term, the body produces a hormone called relaxin, which will eventually aid in the birthing process by creating greater laxity in the ligaments of the pelvis. All of these things considered, it can be easy to damage the structures of the lower back and pelvis during this time. Not only can these physical changes affect the mom, it can also hinder the proper development of the fetus. Proper alignment of the pelvis and structures that support the pelvis will aid in providing maximal expansion of the abdomen and uterus giving the fetus the optimal environment and most room to grow without putting any stress or pressure on the fetus itself.
Chiropractic care essentially assesses the alignment of the spine and pelvis and corrects imbalances with manual adjustments and muscle work. According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, these manipulations not only decrease the instance of low back pain during pregnancy, but may also provide easier natural labor with decreased instances of intervention. Chiropractic care does not stop at correcting misalignment in the pelvis, it is also important to provide proper exercises to help strengthen the lower back and pelvic floor, which may provide support throughout the physical change of the body, as well as aid in the pushing phase of labor. The chiropractor can also help guide the mom to make proper nutritional decisions and keep good habits throughout her pregnancy, which is vital to ensuring proper development of the baby as well, because after all we are what we eat.
Natural birth is back on the rise across the country, and women are again learning the benefits of having a safe pregnancy and labor without the aid of drugs or surgeries. Birthing classes such as the Bradley Method are also becoming more popular and helping to educate women on proper birthing positions and techniques.
It's never too early or late to start. Chiropractic care is safe at any stage of pregnancy, and if you haven't started yet, don't count yourself out. Contact your local chiropractor today and find out how YOU can benefit from treatment. Ask questions and educate yourself; the more you know about your body and the changes it is undergoing, the better you can prepare yourself.