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Evan H. Farr, Certified Elder Law Attorney
The Two Pillars Of Caregiving
The Law Firm of Evan H. Farr, PC

The Two Pillars Of Caregiving

Did you know that elder law attorneys work with a number of senior-serving professionals to cooperatively promote the quality and dignity of life for clients? As an elder law firm, we know first-hand that serving as a caregiver is a tough job and a much-needed one for those clients wishing to stay at home. Whether you are a caregiver or your loved one is in need of care, a visit to your local elder law attorney may be the launch pad to form vital connections. But what makes a good caregiver?

Caregiving is a relationship. As such, the first pillar concerns the caregiver, whereas the second concerns the elder. Caregivers themselves must be healthy, both mentally and physically, because most caregivers are subject to extreme physical and emotional stress.

Second, caregivers must be forward thinkers, beyond day-to-day tasks, so the long-term care and dignity of the elder remains preserved, if not enhanced.

Pillar One Proactively Love What You Do

Sound difficult? The sad reality is that many caregivers wind up suffering from mental stress, anxiety, and even clinical depression. It can be explained as “anger turned inward.” As one author puts it, anger can be due to what is happening naturally “we watch our loved one[s] struggle to do simple tasks . . . decline in mind and body . . . [and] lose independence.” If you are a caregiver suffering symptoms of depression, education may be very helpful (read on).

Are specific problems causing stress and anxiety? Are financial problems to blame? A depressed caregiver can't possibly “care” to their full potential.

The good news is that there is help around the corner. If you are a caregiver and believe you may be struggling with depression, seek an evaluation from a licensed professional.

Pillar Two Help the Family Get Financial Affairs in Order

Helping the family get financial affairs in order is by far one of the most critical elements of the job. Ask yourself what would happen tomorrow if the person I am caring for suddenly had to move to a long-term care facility? Would the family be able to afford monthly nursing home bills? Would there be a financial “panic?” For this reason alone, caregivers often bring their loved-ones to an elder law attorney for help.

So much confusion exists when it comes to government benefits and programs available to help pay for long-term care and when to make that all-important visit. The key is proper planning at the right time. When is the right time? Today it is never too late to seek the help you need.
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