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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Bell Middleton
Staying Independent Concerned Children
Comfort Keepers - Largo

Staying Independent Concerned Children

Question Im 88 years old and my children are very concerned about me being alone in my home. How can I assure them that I can manage just fine without their constant worry?
Answer Your children are worried about your well-being and rightly so! Many people can remain in their homes as long as they wish, but most find that they will need a little help with tasks that become difficult to manage over time. For example, if you use a walker or a cane to move about, your risk of falling is greater when you try to do simple tasks such as vacuuming or changing the bed linens. And, while we all try hard to remember our medication, if this is something you tend to forget you may be placing yourself at risk of declining health. These are real issues that cause children to worry about their aging parents.
First, determine what your needs are that give your children cause for worry. Then, find the right resources to help you with those needs. A home care company may be your answer. They can provide assistance in your own home to those needing a little extra help. Services include home cooking, light housekeeping, shopping, transportation, help with errands and even some companionship. These services are designed to allow you to live more independently and remain in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Once your children see that you have planning and support in place, you will then have demonstrated that you can remain independent and in your own home. At the same time, you will also be giving them a wonderful giftpeace of mind.

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